About Us
  Globalip-trademark.com (Owner by Global Focus International Limited) is a Hong Kong based Trademarks Agent firm. Since our establishment in 2000, we have been committed to providing one-step quality Intellectual Property solutions for Hong Kong and oversea companies, who seek to protect on the Intellectual property as oversea and domestic market. Our main services focus on Trademarks, Patents, and Industry Designs registration. We provide the most comprehensive range and professional services in Hong Kong for local and oversea clients.
  Globalip-trademark.com (owner by Global Focus International Limited)
  Rms 601-603, 6/F Kalok Building, 720 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
  TEL: (852) 3427 3236
  FAX: (852) 2390 7502
  E-mail: info@globalip-trademark.com
  Enquiry Online: Please complete the form below.
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